
Ease Your Jet Lag With These Nutrition And Exercise Tips

Ease Your Jet Lag With These Nutrition And Exercise Tips

One of the worst things about travel is experiencing horrible jet lag that doesn’t go away in just few hours. It sometimes last to few days and it can ruin your mood for your trip. Hence, it is important to have your own tricks to overcome jet lag and have a faster recovery from it. Jet lag can wreck havoc on your body both physically and mentally and the keys to overcome it are nutrition and exercise. They help a lot in having fast recovery from bad jet lag. 

Get the most out of your trip and ease bad jet lag quickly

Jet lag is caused by many factors but especially different time zone. When your travel destination is a faraway place, you have to take a long-haul flight. You may take off during your time when you are supposed to sleep and arrive when you are supposed to be awake or vice versa. This not to mention the fatigue and lack of sleep of long-haul flight can make it even worse. And here are nutrition and exercise tips to help you recover from bad jet lag pretty quickly:

Stay hydrated and avoid caffeinated drinks

It is important to keep your body hydrated with water. You may drink milk, fruit juice, or calming tea. However, it is best to avoid drinking coffee regardless how sleepy you are when you arrive in your destination while you want to stay awake to explore the place. Caffeine can make your jet lag even worse with all the headaches and discomforts caused to your body. Stick to water before, during and throughout your trip. It helps a lot in regulating your body in a healthy way.

Eat your meals accordingly

It is recommended that you eat your meals at mealtime in the new time zone. For example, if you normally eat lunch at noon then do it as well but in the new time zone. This way, your body is trained to adjust to new time zone gradually. It helps a lot in making your stomach feel more settled as well. If you feel hungry before meal time, have some light snacks to give you the energy to keep moving. 

Exercise at the same time every day

Exercise can help a lot in fighting off bad jet lag. Through constant moving of your body and it helps in promoting blood circulation, so your headache won’t be that bad. However, don’t exercise with too extreme routine. Do it in low intense and you can gradually level up your exercise if you think you need it. The most important thing is to do it regularly at the same time every day. 

Avoid working out before bedtime

It is more recommended that you do your workout routine in natural light. Hence, choose better location to work out such as outdoor gym, go to the near park, or do it near the window. Avoid working out just before your bedtime because it ma make you more difficult to fall asleep.